Corruption : The Major Issues

 Corruption: The Major Issues - It is a criminal offense which should be avoid in every country.

Hey guys, welcome back to our blog, Today we will see the topic of "Corruption". A topic needs to be discussed which always increase in every country. You and me, we all are trapped in this corruption, no one has able to escaped from this. Let's discuss with it.


Corruption: The Major Issues

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense which is attempted by an individual or an association.

Corruption disintegrates trust, debilitates Democracy, hampers Economic Development and further worsens inequality, poverty and the environmental crisis.

Corruption can take Many Forms such as:

  •  Public servants requesting or taking cash to favour their services.
  • Politicians misuse public money or grant public jobs to their families and friends.

Corruption can happen anywhere in The Business, The Government Courts, The Media and in The Society, just as across all areas from Health and Education to Sports and Association.

There are some main causes of Corruption:
  1. Greed of money and desires.
  2. The low level of Democracy and the weak civil participation.
  3. Monopoly of government controlled institution on goods and services.
  4. Lack of Ethical standards.
  5. Press freedom and judiciary.
  6. An intense competitive nature.
  7. Low levels of Education.

What are the effects of corruption on the society?

The entire world firmly accepts that corruption, paying little heed to its structure is the largest obstacle to the progress. It is more devastating than any other deformity.

Corruption can lead to:
  1. Hindering the Development of economy, which affects the short and long term goals of development plans.
  2. Weakening of state tax because of custom smuggling and charge/ expenses avoidance through misrepresentation and manipulation.
  3. Misusing public expenditure in large projects, which prevents the sectors like Health, Education, Public Services getting benefit from these resources.
  4. Weakening democratic rule reforms which harms the political security.
  5. The breakdown of social structure and the spread of scorn among society's classes due to injustice and inequality.

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Written by Shubham


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